Our new workspace

Well, with vacation time, local holidays, and summer break, it has been quite a while since our last post.  We are making a goal of writing at least one post a week.  Come back and see what we are up too.


The kids had some desks that we got when we first got here several years ago.  Because of how quickly they are growing, we needed to have new ones made.  We opted for a large table-like desk that we all share.  Everyone has room for their books, notebooks, and computer.  I love that we can really spread out and get down to the business of learning!

Science is in the air … literally!

So this last few weeks, we have been learning how to do a science project.  We asked the question “Does the mass of an object affect the distance it goes when catapulted?”  We each built our own catapults from craft sticks.  Then we proceeded to test our hypothesis.  We all believed that the greater the mass of an object, the less distance it would fly.  We used Easter eggs to conduct our experiment.  One was empty, one was filled with tissues, one was filled with rice and one was filled with screws.  After much cataputling (is that even a word??), we found that we were correct in our guess.  The empty egg flew across the living room, while the one filled with screws only went a foot or so.  It was fun seeing science in action.

A New Venture

Hi!  We are venturing into the unknown (to us) world of blogging.  As a summer activity, we are all setting up our own blogs to record and remember the adventures and fun times we have while learning.  Projects, reports, activities, experiments … you name it.  We will be writing all about the things we are learning and doing at Houston Academy.  Maybe we might just be writing what is on our minds that particular day.  Who knows!!  What fun it will be to look back at the end of the year to see all the things we have been learning!  Come join us on our adventures.